A moment I had with God today!

God has truly been dealing with me lately. About trust and worry and all of these lingering things still trying to hold on. The recent thing I’ve been trying to cypher through is stepping out on faith and waiting on God to speak. It’s been this whole thing and today I just asked God howContinue reading “A moment I had with God today!”


Hello Exceeders, I haven’t wrote in a while but God gave me something that I have to share. I was talking to my sister and she was expressing how tired she was and how she didn’t know what to do. God is so good, He used me to help us both. The Holy Spirit hadContinue reading “Deliverance.”


Hello Exceeders, What are you running from? Everybody is running from something. Most people assume that the only running that you do is from the calling but that’s not necessarily true, its just most common. Dates are going to be very important to this blog because it going to assist in me showing you howContinue reading “Jonah.”


Hello Exceeders, Before I had a real relationship with God, I didn’t understand why my friend would sit in her room for hours reading her bible. She would have notebooks everywhere and I would always wonder, what is she writing in all these notebooks? All this highlighting. God is so funny, I would be JEALOUSContinue reading “Alignment.”

You’re Not Qualified

Hello Exceeders 💜 There has been some roots that needed to be plucked in order for my growth to continue. I have felt so stagnant lately, its been something that has tried to take me backwards. God told me to be transparent in these blogs so being honest, I went through another depression recently thisContinue reading “You’re Not Qualified”

Redefine Winning Season

Hello Exceeders 💜 Hello to any newcomers and welcome back to any faithful readers. I want to start by first thanking God for never leaving me even when I leave Him. I have been in a weird place these last few months but no matter what I was going through, God always found a wayContinue reading “Redefine Winning Season”

Do you trust God’s timing?

Hello Exceeders 💜 I was writing a little bit of this and went to bible study last night and my Pastor was confirming EVERYTHING I heard in my spirit to write so this is right on time. I have been finding out a lot of things about myself in the last year but definitely inContinue reading “Do you trust God’s timing?”

Standing on God’s Promise: A Testimony

Hello Exceeders! 💜 Extremely long testimony ahead but God deserves all of His praise and glory!  I have been on such an emotional rollercoaster and I had to be in tune with God to make it off. I have been working on this post for coming up on 3 weeks. I had to go toContinue reading “Standing on God’s Promise: A Testimony”

How do you study?

Hello exceeders💜 This is going to be a crowd participation post as we come to the end of this Year of Learning. Learning ourselves. Learning God. Learning ourselves in God. This year has taught me so many new things. Some are good qualities about myself. Some of them are bad things that I need toContinue reading “How do you study?”

How are you handling your emotions?

Hello Exceeders 💜 This has been a trying year to say the least but I’ve truly decided to tap into the God in me. God has been dealing with me on my emotions and how I react to things. I’m normally a very emotional person but in silence. Silent suffering is like the expressway toContinue reading “How are you handling your emotions?”

What are you doing in your wait?

Hello Exceeders 💜 I have been sort of missing but it was definitely time needed. God has been revealing and healing some things in me and I have just been along for the ride. One constant theme that kept coming in all of this time was “wait”. It came in many different ways. It cameContinue reading “What are you doing in your wait?”

Are you in a place for your heart to be opened?

Hello Exceeders! I kept ya’ll waiting so long I decided to release two! As I was reading my Word the other night, something caught my attention and it drew me in. I am currently reading Acts and I have the study bible so at the bottom it tries to go into a more layman’s termsContinue reading “Are you in a place for your heart to be opened?”

What are you working on? Pt2

Hello Exceeders! To read part 1 go to https://exceeding-abundantly.com/2020/09/11/what-are-you-working-on/ Let’s get back to our definitions! Patience: 1. A person’s ability to wait something out or endure something tedious 2. The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. Me to me in the mirror: When it comes to denyingContinue reading “What are you working on? Pt2”

Are you on track?

Hello Exceeders 💜 Recently I’ve been being taught on sitting down and looking myself in the mirror. Talk to me about me. It’s been a journey of accountability and self awareness. The process of looking yourself in the mirror and being honest so we can get to fully operating in the Will of God. GodContinue reading “Are you on track?”

Are you the go-to person?

Hello Exceeders! Today I want to talk about a conversation I had the other day with my sister. We were talking about the go to person, who do they go to? We haven’t touched on my testimony yet, but I have spent more than half of my life in a dark place. Depression has beenContinue reading “Are you the go-to person?”

What’s up with that name?

Hello Exceeders 💜 I was sooooo skeptical about the naming of this blog from the BEGINNING! It was first called The Struggling Christian. I was sitting there thinking to myself “Ricka you’re really struggling with this walk with Christ”…a few weeks later ‘The Struggling Christian’ name was decided. It was so….uninformed to say the least.Continue reading “What’s up with that name?”

Hello, hello, hellooooo

Welcome to my blog! My name is Larricka and I’m born and raised in Pensacola, FL. I’m 27 years old and starting a journey for my life. This blog has been in my spirit loading since 2016. I was driving down the street and out of nowhere I just went in the presence of God.Continue reading “Hello, hello, hellooooo”